Arbeitskreis Modellierung von Systemen und
Parameterextraktion Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group Joint AWG MOS-AK Workshop Silicon Valley, December 7, 2022 |
Calendar |
Directory |
Books |
Mission |
Committee |
Joint AWG MOS-AK Panel |
Important Dates: |
Venue: |
Online hosted by AWG CHIPS Alliance |
Workshop Agenda |
T_0 | AWG MOS-AK Welcome Rob Mains, CHIPS Alliance (US) and Wladek Grabinsk, MOS-AK (EU) |
T_1 | P1800
Proposals for Mixed-UDN Support Kevin Cameron, Kevin Cameron (US) |
T_2 | Xyce and support for modern PDKs Eric Keiter, Sandia National Laboratories (US) |
T_3 | Introduction to the open source EDA tool flow for IC design Mehdi Saligane, UMich (US) |
T_4 | EKV3 in NGSPICE using ADMSXL Nikolaos Makris, TUC, IESL/FORTH (GR), Loukas Chevas, TUC (GR) and Matthias Bucher, TUC (GR) |
T_5 | Model conversion to ngspice in open source PDKs R. Timothy Edwards (Tim); efabless, inc. (US) |
V_1 | The video of AWG / MOS-AK panel session |
International MOS-AK Committee: | |
Committee |