MOS-Modelle und Parameterextraktion MOS Modeling and Parameter Extraction Working Group MOS-AK/ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Workshop Compact Modeling for Emerging Technologies Friday, 22 September 2006 Montreux Convention and Exhibition Center |
Agenda | ||
Chair: Dr. W.Grabinski
Technical Program Coordinator: Prof. H.Iwai |
Technical Program Promoters |
Suisse |
Sponsors |
Workshop Program | ||||||
9:00-11:00 | Morning Session - Chair: Prof. Giorgio Baccarani, UNIBO | |||||
Design and Simulation MOSFET Models: Closing the Gap Paul Jespers1 and Andrei Vladimirescu2,3 1 Universite Catholique de Louvain 2 University of California, Berkeley 3 Institut Superieur d’Electronique de Paris |
The EKV3 MOS Transistor
Model A. Bazigos, NTUA; M. Bucher, TUC; F. Krummenacher, EPFL |
The PSP compact MOSFET
model R. van Langevelde, G.D.J. Smit, A.J. Scholten, D.B.M. Klaassen Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands G. Gildenblat, X. Li, W. Wu, H. Wang and A. Jha Department of Electrical Engineering, The Arizona State University, Tempe, USA |
11:00-12:00 | Poster Session - Chair: Prof. Wieslaw Kuzmicz, TU Warsaw and Dr. Gerhard Knoblinger, INFINEON | |||||
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |||||
13:00-16:00 | Afternoon Session - Chair: Dr. Hisayo S. Momose, TOSHIBA | |||||
Compact model extraction
from TCAD Luca Sponton (ETH), Paul Pfaeffli and Lars Bomholt (Synopsys) |
Advances in 1/f noise
modeling: Low frequency gate noise modeling of ultrathin Oxide MOSFETs Frédéric Martinez and and Matteo Valenza, Université Montpellier II |
Verilog-A: an introduction
for compact modelers Geoffrey Coram, Analog Devices, Inc. |
ADMS: Compact Model
Synthesis PART I: Introduction and development outlook L. Lemaitre and B. Gu; Freescale PART II: Extensions and Spectre/UltraSim benchmarking S. Sukharev, Cadence |
eSIPPs: Enhanced Standard
Interconnect Performance Parameters Judith Mueller and Ertugrul Demircan, Freescale |
Field solver views on
constructing compact models for devices in an electromagnetic ambient Wim Schoenmaker, MAGWEL; Nick van der Meijs, TU Delft; Daniel Ioan, Polytechnical University Bucharest |
16:00 | End of the workshop |