Arbeitskreis Modellierung von Systemen und Parameterextraktion 
Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group
Graz, September 2015
MOS-AK: Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange
MOS-AK Workshop Sponsors
LIP6 Automics
Technical MOS-AK Program Promoters
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MOS-AK Workshop Program
Venue: Graz University of Technology
Room 1, Inffeldgasse 25d
Graz (A)
Important Dates:
  • Call for Papers - March 2015
  • 2nd Announcement - May 2015
  • Final Workshop Program - July 2015
  • MOS-AK Workshop - Sept.18,  2015
    • 08:30 - 09:00 - On-site Registration
    • 09:00 - 12:00 - Morning MOS-AK Session
    • 12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch
    • 13:00 - 16:00 - Afternoon MOS-AK Session
Display Format: Citation Citation & Abstract
  MOS-AK Workshop Morning Session
Chair: Prof. Andrei Vladimirescu, UCB (USA); ISEP (FR)
T_0  MOS-AK Group Introduction
W. Grabinski
T_1  MOS-AK Keynote: Is SPICE Still an Educational Tool?
Larry Nagel
Omega Enterprises Consulting
T_2  BioEngineering: challenges and opportunities for simulation and computer-aided design
Morgan Madec*, Abir Rezgui*, Elise Rosati*, Christophe Lallement* and Jacques Haiech**
*ICube, Strasbourg, France ; **LIT, Strasbourg, France
T_3  AUTOMICS: Smart Power ICs substrate modeling strategy
Ramy Iskander, Ehrenfried Seebacher* and Jean-Michel Sallese**
LIP6 (F), *AMS (A), **EPFL (CH)

Coffee Break
T_4  The NEEDS Initiative: 2015
Mark Lundstrom
Purdue University
T_5  Qucs: An introduction to the new simulation and compact device modelling features implemented in release 0.0.19/0.0.19Src2 of the popular GPL circuit simulator.
Mike Brinson*, Richard Crozier**, Vadim Kuznetsov***, Clemens Novak****, Bastien Roucaries*****, Frans Schreuder******, Guilherme Brondani Torri****
*Centre for Communications Technology, London Metropolitan University, UK, ** The University of Edinburgh, UK, *** Bauman Moscow Technical University, Russia, **** Qucs Developer, ***** Laboratoire SATIE – CNRS UMR 8929, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, ENS Cachan, FR, ****** Nikhef, Amsterdam, NL.


MOS-AK Workshop Afternoon Session
Chair: Dr. Franz Sischka, SisConsult (D)
T_6  On the performance of Hall cells integrated in a non-fully depleted SOI CMOS technological process. An overview
Maria-Alexandra Paun and Florin Udrea
University of Cambridge (UK)
T_7  Analytical Modeling of Advanced GaN Heterostructures
Nitin Goyal1, 2*, Tor A. Fjeldly2
1 CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG, Villach, Austria 2 Electronics and Communication Department, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
T_8  Dynamic Look-up Table for Increased Numerical Efficiency of Multi-Scale Simulation Approaches in Circuit Simulations
Fabian Hosenfeld* **, Michael Graef* **, Franziska Hain* **, Benjamin Iniguez**, Francois Lime**, Alexander Kloes*
*Competence Center for Nanotechnology and Photonics, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Giessen, Germany, **DEEEA, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Coffee Break
T_9  Enabling CNTFET-based analog high-frequency circuit design with CCAM
M. Claus*,**, A. Pacheco**, M. Haferlach**, M. Schröter**
* Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, TU Dresden, Germany ** Chair for Electron Devices and Integrated Circuits, TU Dresden, Germany
T_10  Compact modeling of Thin-Film Transistors for Flexible and Large Area Electronics
Bejnamin Iniguez
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (SP)
T_11  On the activities of IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group
Dr. Maria-Alexandra Paun
Chair of IEEE Switzerland Women in Engineering

End of the MOS-AK Workshop

Extended MOS-AK Committee:
  • MOS-AK Workshop Manager
    • Wladek Grabinski, MOS-AK (EU)
  • International R&D Advisers
    • Larry Nagel, Omega Enterprises Consulting (USA)
    • Andrei Vladimirescu, UCB (USA); ISEP (FR)
  • Technical Committee Chairs
    • Benjamin Iniguez, URV (SP)
    • Jean-Michel Sallese, EPFL (CH)
  • Technical Committee
    MOS-AK/GSA North America
  • Chair: Pekka Ojala, Exar Corporation
  • Co-Chair: Geoffrey Coram, Analog Devices
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Jamal Deen, U.McMaster
  • Co-Chair: Roberto Tinti, Keysigth EEsof Division
    MOS-AK/GSA South America
  • Chair: Prof. Gilson I Wirth; UFRGS; Brazil
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Carlos Galup-Montor, UFSC; Brazil
  • Co-Chair: Sergio Bampi, UFRGS, Brazil
  • Co-Chair: Antonio Cerdeira Altuzarra, Cinvestav - IPN, Mexico
    MOS-AK/GSA Europe
  • Chair: Ehrenfried Seebacher, AMS, Austria
  • Co-Chair: Alexander Petr, XFab, Germany
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Benjamin Iniguez, URV, Spain
  • Co-Chair: Franz Sischka, SisConsult, Germany
    MOS-AK/GSA Asia/South Pacific

  • Chair: Sadayuki Yoshitomi, Toshiba (Yokohama)
  • Min Zhang, XMOD Technologies (Shanghai)  
  • Co-Chair: Xing Zhou, NTU (Singapore)  
  • Co-Chair: A.B. Bhattacharyya, JIIT (New Delhi)
update: Sept. 2015 (rev. c)
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