MOS-AK 2009: 20 Years of Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange
Arbeitskreis MOS-Modelle und Parameterextraktion
MOS Modeling and Parameter Extraction Working Group
MOS-AK Meeting
2-3 April 2009 at IHP in Frankfurt /Oder
 2 April 2009
  • IHP tutorials  (afternoon: 13:00-15:30)
  • IHP fab visit
  • COMON Project Meeting (afternoon: 15:30-18:00)
  • MOS-AK Networking Reception (evening: after 19:00)
3 April 2009
  • Morning Session
    • 9:00-11:30 Oral presentations
    • 11:30-12:00 Posters' briefing
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch
  • Afternoon Session
    • 13:00-16:00 Oral presentations
    • 15:45-16:00 Closing Remarks
  • 16:00 End of the meeting
Sponsor and Technical Program Promoters
EuroTraining MOSIS ijnm_wiley GSA COMON EC Project
MOS-AK Meeting Program
Display Format: Citation Citation & Abstract
 2 April'09
Welcome: Bernd Tillack, IHP and Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse
13:00 IHP tutorials and fab visit (afternoon: 13:00-15:30)
15:30 COMON Project Meeting (afternoon: 15:30-18:00)
19:00 MOS-AK Networking Reception (evening: after 19:00)
Café am Kleistpark: Kleiststraße 7; 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
3 April'09
9:00 Workshop Opening: Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse
9:00-11:45 Morning Session - Chair: Prof. Benjamin Iniguez
P_1  A Short Introduction of IHP
W. Kissinger and B. Tillack
P_2  Towards Predictable Compact Model Descriptions for Organic Thin-Film Transistors
S. Mijalkovic*, D. Green*, A. Nejim*, A. Rankov**, E. Smith**, T. Kugler**, C. Newsome**, J. Halls**
*Silvaco Technology Centre, Silvaco Europe Limited St Ives, Cambridgeshire, UK; **Cambridge Display Technology Limited, Cardinal Park Godmanchester, PE29 2XG, UK
P_3  Low Frequency Noise Modeling at Low Temperature with the EKV3 Compact Model
Patrick Martin*, Gérard Ghibaudo** and Matthias Bucher***
CEA, LETI, Minatec (France), **IMEP, Minatec (France), ***Technical University of Crete (Greece)
P_4  Large Signal Modeling of Inversion-Mode MOS Varactors in VCOs
Jan-K. Bremer, Tim Peikert and Wolfgang Mathis
Institute of Electromagnetic Theory, Leibniz University of Hannover
P_5  Global extraction of parameters using the EKV model: some properties of the underlying optimization task
Jaroslaw Arabas, Lukasz Bartnik, Slawomir Szostak and Daniel Tomaszewski*
Warsaw University of Technology, *ITE Warsaw
11:30-12:00 Posters' Briefing - Chair: Wladek Grabinski; GMC Suisse 
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Afternoon Session - Chair: Dr. Rene Scholz, IHP
P_6  Need for a standard subset of Verilog-A, with coding practices, for compact modeling
Gilles Depeyrot and Frédéric Poullet
DOLPHIN Integration, France
P_7  Advances in compact semiconductor device modelling and circuit macromodelling with the Qucs GPL circuit simulator
M.E. Brinson, S. Jahn* and M. Cullinan
London Metropolitan University, *Qucs development team
P_8  Increasing Accuracy and Productivity of Device Characterization Processes for Efficient Modeling of Next-Generation Semiconductors
Andrej Rumiantsev, Stojan Kanev
SUSS MicroTec Test Systems GmbH
P_9  Quality of HiSIM_HV Model for Analog Circuit Design
B. Senapati, K. Molnár, A. Steinmair and E. Seebacher
austriamicrosystems AG
P_10  Quantum compact model for ultra-short and ultra-narrow body FinFET
Mingchun Tang, Fabien Prégaldiny and Christophe Lallement
16:00 End of the MOS-AK Meeting
update: March 16, 2009 (rev. h)
Contents subject to change ©1999-2009 All rights reserved. WG
Graphics © 2009 Oliver