Arbeitskreis MOS-Modelle und Parameterextraktion
MOS Modeling and Parameter Extraction Working Group
Sept. 21, 2012 Bordeaux
MOS-AK: Over Two Decades of Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange
MOS-AK/GSA Program Sponsors
Prime Sponsor:
Agilent Technologies LFoundry
Technical Program Sponsor
IEEE France EDS Frnace
French Branch
  Technical MOS-AK/GSA Program Promoters
GSA COMON EC Project EuroTraining MOSIS
The MOSIS Services
MOS-AK/GSA Workshop Program
Venue: “Palais des Congrès” – Bordeaux Lac, allée Louis Ratabou, 33000 Bordeaux (F)
Important Dates:
Registration:  free on-line registration (open on June 18) 
Display Format: Citation Citation & Abstract
Morning Session

Welcome and MOS-AK/GSA Introduction
Sandro Grigolli and Wladek Grabinski

T_1  Using the EKV Model for LC-VCO Optimization
M. Helena Fino
UNL Lisboa (P)
T_2  Physics-Based Analytical Model of Nanowire Tunnel-FETs
E. Gnani, A. Gnudi, S. Reggiani, G. Baccarani
ARCES - Uni. Bologna (I)
T_3  Analytical Models for Disordered and Polycrystalline Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Munira Raja
Uni. Liverpool (UK)
T_4  Hall Effect Sensors Performance Assessment Using Three-Dimensional Physical Simulations
Maria-Alexandra Paun
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee Break
T_5  Physical Compact Model of a CBRAM cell
Marina Reyboz, Santhosh Onkaraiah, Giorgio Palma and Elisa Vianello
T_6  Device Modeling DC Measurements Challenges
Franz Sischka
Agilent Technologies (D)
T_7  HSP: A Surface-Potential-Based Compact Model of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Power Transistors
Patrick Martin and Rereao Hahe
Poster Session
12:20 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:30 Afternoon Session
T_8  Millimeter-Wave CMOS Device Modeling and Issues
Kenichi Okada
Tokyo Institute of Technology (J)
T_9  Measurement and Modeling of CMOS Devices in Short Millimeter Wave
Minoru Fujishima
Hiroshima University (J)
T_10  Thermal Network Extraction in Ultra-Thin-Body SOI MOSFETs
Y. S. Chauhan(*,**), M. A. Karim**, A. M. Niknejad** and C. C. Hu**
*IIT Kanpur (IN), **UC Berkeley (USA)
15:30 - 16:10
Coffee Break
T_11  Compact Modeling of SiC JFET Power Devices
M. Bucher, R. Sharma, K. Kostopoulos
TUC Chania (GR)
T_12  SMASH-ACMI for Integration and Validation of Verilog-A Compact Models in a SPICE Simulator
Gilles Depeyrot, Frédéric Poullet and Cédric Valla
Dolphin Integration (F)
T_13  Parametric Yield-oriented IC Design based on Cumulative Distribution Function and Open-Source EDA Tools
Marat Yakupov*, and Daniel Tomaszewski**
*MunEDA GmbH (D), **ITE Warsaw (PL)
17:30  End of the MOS-AK Workshop
Committee: Extended MOS-AK/GSA Committee
update: Nov. 2012 (rev. a)
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